New England Asters.... started in a little tiny pot, at my grandson James's school in May....they bloomed late...almost got clobbered by the Big Snowstorm on October 29 - but recovered in the warm sunshine, and brought joy to my heart with some bright blooms.....with a promise of more next year ♥
Somehow I missed seeing these very special photos. The ice dripping from the flowers, forming icicles, is so beautiful...could be a photo contest winner...I love it!
New England Asters....
started in a little tiny pot, at my grandson James's school in May....they bloomed late...almost got clobbered by the Big Snowstorm on October 29 - but recovered in the warm sunshine, and brought joy to my heart with some bright blooms.....with a promise of more next year ♥
WOW they certainly are ice encrusted. Glad sun came out and warmed them up. Otherwise that poor bee would not have gotten anything to eat.
Loved the pictures with the ice on your poor flowers so cool that I know exactly where you
Somehow I missed seeing these very special photos. The ice dripping from the flowers, forming icicles, is so beautiful...could be a photo contest winner...I love it!
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